
Warm Toasted Marshmallow S'more Bars

1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix
1 cup graham cracker crumbs1 cup butter or margarine, melted3 cups milk chocolate chips (18 oz)4 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows

Directions1. Heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl, stir together cookie mix and crumbs. Stir in melted butter until soft dough forms. Press into ungreased 13x9-inch pan.
2. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until set. Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips over crust. Let stand 3 to 5 minutes or until chocolate begins to melt. Spread chocolate evenly over crust.
3. Set oven control to broil. Sprinkle marshmallows over melted chocolate. Broil with top 4 to 5 inches from heat 20 to 30 seconds or until marshmallows are toasted. (Watch closely; marshmallows will brown quickly.) Cool 10 minutes. For bars, cut into 6 rows by 4 rows. Serve warm. Store any remaining bars tightly covered.


A Visit from the 'rents.

Chicken & Roasted Garlic Risotto
Since my dad and stepmom are coming to visit tomorrow, I had to find a delicious meal that would be both filling and impressive to my dad, who taught me what I know about cooking.

Tomorrow, we will be having Chicken & Roasted Garlic Risotto. It looks really good, and you can never go wrong with chicken and rice! I will definitely share how it goes. I'm sure I will tweak the recipe a bit, since I never follow it as is (I get that from my dad! haha). I am looking forward to time with my family, and I never get tired of seeing them, spending time together, and goofing off.

I found this recipe at Campbell's Kitchen. It's a fantastic site if you are looking for a quick and inexpensive recipe. Of course, if you're looking for a more grand, gourmet recipe that you'll spend large amounts of time cooking, there are those too!


Sneak Peek.

As my work study job here on campus, doing graphic design for our Admissions dept has allowed me to get a lot of experience under my belt. Some of it, I am super stoked about. Other stuff, I am so-so about. But this next batch of tshirts includes my favorite shirt so far. So here is a little sneak peek!

The other two shirts that will debut in this order are some of those "so-so" designs I referred to, because I love the designs, but the colors they wanted were not exactly my favorite. But this one has remained in original form, and I absolutely love it. So yeah. I'm too tired to write anything else.

Still looking for a catchy sign off....hmmm....


"Spring Break"???

There are two things this week has not been: neither "spring" nor "break!"
    In Central, SC, the weather has been sunny and mid-60s for nearly a week and a half. But on February 25, I left the warm, sunny spring weather for the frigid, snow-covered tundra that is Athens, PA, and that is precisely where I've been all week. This is definitely the most snow I've ever seen! Today was a "warm" 42 degrees, which is the highest temperature I've seen all week, but it was windy, so it still wasn't very comfortable to endure.
    Secondly, the week has mostly meant playing both catch-up on late work and get-ahead on future work to ease the stress. Up to 9 hours/day of homework, projects, and design jobs, it has certainly been busy. I have had no time to even post!
    But, with all that said, I have thoroughly enjoyed my week away from campus. I am back with TK, my beloved roommate who graduated last semester. I am also getting lots of sign language practice! Photography has also been on my "to do" list this week, partly as an assignment for my Digital Media class, but partly because (since snow is relatively new to me) it is absolutely awesome to shoot!
     Also, the animals in this house are the most photogenic creatures (human or not) I have ever seen. They see a camera, and they twist, pose, pause, and practically say "cheese" to allow for a great shot. Take our friend, Patches here, for instance. This is one of about 20 good pictures I have of this cat alone. There are still plenty more of the other cat and two dogs!
     I know this post is relatively useless to most people. But it was a much-needed break from my work, so I hope you would beg my pardon and accept promises for more a better, more hobby-related post next time! Also, I would like to develop a catchy blog sign-off. Abrupt endings to my posts annoy me, as I am usually somewhat eloquent with words. But some high level of cheesiness like "until next time" or "signing off" absolutely will not suffice. Perhaps I will try out a few different ones, and wait until someone says something.

*catchy sign-off to be announced at a later date*