
A Visit from the 'rents.

Chicken & Roasted Garlic Risotto
Since my dad and stepmom are coming to visit tomorrow, I had to find a delicious meal that would be both filling and impressive to my dad, who taught me what I know about cooking.

Tomorrow, we will be having Chicken & Roasted Garlic Risotto. It looks really good, and you can never go wrong with chicken and rice! I will definitely share how it goes. I'm sure I will tweak the recipe a bit, since I never follow it as is (I get that from my dad! haha). I am looking forward to time with my family, and I never get tired of seeing them, spending time together, and goofing off.

I found this recipe at Campbell's Kitchen. It's a fantastic site if you are looking for a quick and inexpensive recipe. Of course, if you're looking for a more grand, gourmet recipe that you'll spend large amounts of time cooking, there are those too!

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